If you’re looking for a way to diversify your retirement savings, a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) can be a good option. Unlike a standard IRA, it allows you to invest beyond stocks and bonds and in alternative assets, including private businesses. Below we’ll dive deeper into how you can use an SDIRA to invest in small or private businesses.
First and foremost, let’s define what a private business actually is. Hence its name, a private business is privately owned by founders, a management team, or a group of private investors.
While it may issue stock and have shareholders, its shares won’t trade on public exchanges or be issued through initial public offering (IPO). For this reason, a private business doesn’t have to meet the typically strict filing requirements set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC).
An SDIRA opens the doors to a variety of private business investments. With this powerful retirement savings tool, you can invest in the following:
By leveraging an SDIRA to invest in a private business, you can reap these benefits:
Keep the following in mind before you go ahead and invest in a private business with an SDIRA.
It couldn’t be easier to invest in a private business with an SDIRA. Here’s what the simple, process typically entails:
Open a Self-Directed IRA by completing an online application.
Fund your account by transferring or rolling over all - or a portion of - your funds from an existing retirement account such as an IRA or 401(k). You can also make an initial contribution.
You'll instruct your custodian to issue a check or wire to the private business investment of your choice.
If you’d like more control and flexibility while investing in private businesses, a Checkbook IRA may be an intriguing option. Unlike an SDIRA, a Checkbook IRA doesn’t require a custodian to execute your everyday transactions on your behalf.
You, the account holder, can perform transactions on your own after you establish an IRA LLC or IRA Trust. You don’t have to fill out a custodian form or wait for authorization. Simply write a check or send a wire to make transactions in real time.
If you’re interested in investing for retirement with private businesses, an SDIRA from Broad Financial can be the ultimate option. To get started or learn more, we encourage you to contact us today.
Schedule a call, and one of our Broad Specialists will answer any questions you may have.
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