Rolling an IRA into a 401(k): Is this possible? For some reason, this is one of those questions that has people confused even though the answer is fairly simple. In short, you can definitely rollover an IRA into a Self-Directed Solo 401(k). The reason for this is that the Solo 401(k) is an IRS approved […]
Many clients at Broad open self-directed accounts in order to take their retirement further with real estate and other alternative assets. However, that doesn’t mean that standard investment products (like stocks and bonds) are no longer an option. Just the opposite in fact. Many popular stock trading platforms can be accessed with the LLC of […]
Do Personal Financial Problems Put My Retirement Fund Assets at Risk? When you take a look at the news in the last few years, you regularly come across terms like “economic meltdown”, “recession”, “financial crisis”, and a whole suite of other words that make the typical consumer cringe. Many of us can personally relate. Every […]
Source of income: Sole proprietor or single member LLC Corporation or LLC taxed as a corporation Age: 49 or younger 50-59 or 64+ 60-63 Contribution For Tax Year: 2025 2024 Income: Contribution Limit: This calculator is provided as a tool to help with calculating maximum contribution limits. Broad Financial does not guarantee its accuracy. We […]
Understanding the rules for Self-Directed IRA investing is essential to ensure that you don't end up in hot water with the IRS. Schedule a call with a Broad Financial Specialist today to learn more.
When you own real estate through your IRA, you need to follow a strict set of legal rules regarding how you can interact with the property. Learn more about IRA property management from the IRA Specialists at Broad Financial.
A Self-Directed IRA is an account that allows for alternative investments not available with standard retirement platforms, like brokerage accounts offered by Fidelity, Charles Schwab, or TD Ameritrade.
By using an IRA to invest in real estate, you can take advantage of a potentially booming market and bulk up your retirement nest egg. Learn about setting up a Self-Directed IRA for real estate investing and take the reins of your financial future!